Women Who rock the rockies 2022

Black Buzzard, Denver CO

Women Who Rock the Rockies 2022 - Event Recap

On June 24, 2022, the inaugural Women Who Rock the Rockies (WWRR) event was held at the Black Buzzard in Denver, CO. This remarkable showcase of female music talent sold out in record time, highlighting the immense demand for women-led music events.

Featured Artists:

WWRR 2022 featured a lineup of diverse and exceptionally talented female artists, who captivated the audience with their unique sound, powerful lyrics, and electrifying performances. The event was emceed by Debbie Scheer, Humorist and Emcee and featured artists for the event included Dear Marsha, Melissa Crispo, Melody Kiser, and Angie Stevens.

Unleashing the Power of Women in Music:

WWRR 2022 was designed to showcase the immense talent of women in music, providing them with a platform to share their skill and creativity. Each artist delivered a standout performance, exhibiting their powerful vocals, guitar mastery, and captivating stage presence.

A Night of Unforgettable Music:

Audiences at WWRR 2022 were treated to a spectacular night of music that celebrated female talent and individuality. The Black Buzzard's intimate setting provided the perfect space for the artists to connect with their audience, making for an unforgettable and intimate musical experience.

Sold-Out Success:

WWRR 2022 was a sold-out event, which speaks volumes about the support and demand for female-led music events in Colorado. Fans and music enthusiasts from around the region came together to celebrate and acknowledge the exceptional talent of these inspiring musicians.

Join the Movement:

The success of WWRR 2022 is a testament to the immense potential for women in music and the groundswell of support they have from local communities. If you believe in the power of music and the energy of female-led performances, join us for future WWRR events as we continue to amplify women's voices and celebrate their significant contributions to the music world.

WWRR - Celebrating Women Who Rock!

Photo Credits - Greebelehaus


Dear Marsha,

Melissa Crispo

Angie Stevens

Debbie scheer
